For many in Scotland there is a certain bias surrounding their favourite city. Many Scots are usually on one side of the fence and that largely has to do with which side of the country you were brought up in. For tourists and visitors to Scotland they wonder the main differences between the two and are often torn on where to spend their time. The truth is these are two very different cities with two different cultures and personalities – this is why there is a noticeable divide in options.
Glasgow is Bigger
Glasgow is the biggest city in Scotland, with a population of 598,830. Edinburgh in comparison has only 495,360 – over 100 thousand less. As well as being the largest city in Scotland, Glasgow is also the fourth largest city in the UK.
People Live Longer in Edinburgh
The life expectancy in Glasgow is one of the lowest in the whole of the United Kingdom, men are expected to live until 73 years and women until 78.5. This is lower in particularly impoverished areas. The life expectancy is higher in Edinburgh, with the average life expectancy for men at 75.9 and women at 80.9 years old.
They Both Have Opposing Political Views
The biggest divide between two of Scotland’s most vibrant cities is undoubtedly the varying political opinions between the two. The most recent example of this was in the 2014 independence referendum which divided the nation. A total of 54.9 percent of Glasgow voted in favour of independence and a strong unionist stance in Edinburgh led to a total of 61.10% of people voting to remain in the UK.
They Have Varying Cultures
Both cities have a vibrant culture although their cultures are very different. Glasgow was named city of culture back in 1990 and has remained the undoubted culture capital of Scotland ever since. This is largely due to its commitment to the music scene, with world famous venues including King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut and The Barrowlands. They also have a wide range of traditional and modern art and music centres can be found all over the city and national institutions which are held in the highest regard, including The National Theatre of Scotland.
Edinburgh on the other hand, is world famous for The Edinburgh Tattoo, The Edinburgh Fringe festival and other cultural events. The city is also steeped in history, with popular attractions including Edinburgh Castle, Hollyrood and the old town. Edinburgh is also known as the city of literature and you can find the world’s largest book and arts festival can be found here.
The People are Completely Different 
Glaswegians are known for being extremely laid back and up for a laugh. They take everything as it comes and like to find humour in even the worst situations. Glaswegian people are also known for being some of the most stylish in the UK.
People from Edinburgh are far more reserved and often proper. They are quite quiet and aren’t likely to strike up a conversation, compared to those in Glasgow. Although they are still friendly they don’t have the same charm that Glaswegians are famous for.